Flow Running:

Enhancing Your Stride From The Inside Out

Welcome to Flow Running, where each step is about moving with more ease and efficiency.

Designed by experienced running coaches and movement experts, this 6 week online self-paced course is tailored to help runners of all levels let go of excess held tension so that they can improve posture and gait pattern efficiency.

Improve your movement patterns.

Reshape your fascia.

Find your rhythm and flow.

Learn to move with length and space.

Enhance your stride, reduce injury, and rediscover your joy in your running.

Some runners appear to be floating along, giving less effort and yet moving faster.

Some runners seem to never get injured, even when they run high mileage.

Some runners manage to keep improving their pace year after year.

Some runners seem to really enjoy the feeling of running.

Some runners make it look easy.

How can you achieve those things for yourself?

That is what Flow Running is all about.

What Kind of Run Form Does This Course Teach?

  • Chest up
  • Rotation at torso
  • Hands dance with chest
  • Forward Shift (vs forward lean)
  • Hips open
  • Driven by posterior chain
  • More length and space
  • Knee floats forward
  • Shin angle doesn't pass vertical
  • Relaxed ankles
  • With momentum comes more ease

What Flow Runners Are Saying:

I'm starting to feel the flow rope movements transfer over more! Running without using my arms as much is a new challenge and a very different feeling... but it really has really forced me to focus on the hip movement. Hips today felt exactly like they normally do when doing Figure 8s with the rope.

I focused on keeping chest up, shoulders relaxed. It was amazing how much of a difference that made: toe issue magically disappeared, I felt a lot better and more in tune with my body overall, and pace stayed the same when I stopped worrying about it. The second half was still faster than it needed to be, but I was more aware of my torso rotation and my body vs pace. Hips feel good. That was a confidence booster that my body was able to handle it.

Flow rope as a quick warm up right before I started. Tough to verbalize exactly what I think my hips were doing/how they were moving, but whatever it was, it just felt super smooth and right.

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